Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

AXIS Alifetime

Strengthen user relationship with AXIS through new Alifetime

Strengthen user relationship with AXIS through new Alifetime

Strengthen user relationship with AXIS through new Alifetime

As one of the leading telco among youngsters, AXISNet application should be right on the target and meet the market needs, since the youngsters are tend to use their smartphone as the daily activity, My goal is to create this application to be fun and easy to use.

As one of the leading telco among youngsters, AXISNet application should be right on the target and meet the market needs, since the youngsters are tend to use their smartphone as the daily activity, My goal is to create this application to be fun and easy to use.

As one of the leading telco among youngsters, AXISNet application should be right on the target and meet the market needs, since the youngsters are tend to use their smartphone as the daily activity, My goal is to create this application to be fun and easy to use.






UI/UX Design





Getting the Right Problems

Alifetime is the main membership feature that users can use to claim certain rewards that are highly beneficial, such as gaming quotas that users can claim each day and extend the period of the SIM card.

Early Insights

We collaborated with AXIS Internal team to conduct research to understand how users feel with the current ALifetime. Collected from 10 AXISNet user respondents, here is a summary of the results:

The rewards is hard to explore and claim

The user thinks that the interaction of claiming the reward is too much


Alifetime is not fully recognizable

Users not aware with the alifetime itself, so they didn't pay much attention to the feature.


The reward not significantly improved

They think that the reward is not very rewarding, but they also consider it useful.


The primary underlying issue is Cognitive Overload. Users find the page overwhelming due to an excessive amount of content and interactions needed to use the feature.


Besides the internal discoveries made by AXIS, we also strive to identify findings that can be improved upon for better outcomes based on Nielsen Heuristic Evaluation

Difficult navigation is caused by the interaction, requiring users to scroll both vertically and horizontally to check the tier and rewards. This can lead to increased effort and time spent accessing the information.

The tier is not easily recognizable due to its segmented name, especially for gamers, and the icon lacks a sense of progression as well.

The navigation position for settings and axiscare appears to be hidden, making it difficult for users to scan and locate them easily.

Despite the fun and colorful brand identity, the overall look is not very appealing, leading users to frequently overlook it.

Challenges Ahead

During our discussions with clients about this, we went deep into understanding how their business functions and uncovered the limitations of their current membership system. As a result, We've identified several challenges that we can surface in this project.

Technical limitation.

For example, the current system only allows users to upgrade the tier during the period of using AXIS number. Another limitation is that we cannot separate Alifetime from other tabs (Settings & AXISCare).

Fixed rewards

The rewards from Alifetime are already defined and fixed, as a result, we cannot make changes to the reward framework itself. Nevertheless, we continue to provide our best ideas for the future.

Iterating the Solution

Based on the problems and findings identified, we can propose the following potential solutions:

  • Renaming the tier to be more recognizeable and general

  • Reduce the Interaction

  • Surfacing the mandatory navigation

  • Establishing new visual approach

Finding the better name and icons

I started by collaborating with the UX Research team to conduct desk research and find a new tier name that is more recognizable and appealing to youngsters. During this process, we identified two potential naming systems.

From this point, we proceeded to create two alternative designs that we will test later on.

Uncluttering the Layout

Then in collaboration with other designers, we began iterating on the high-fidelity wireframes to define the possible layout and flow, taking into account the old design and the findings we identified. Our main objective was to reduce cognitive load by avoiding layout clutter. As a result of our efforts, we came up with the following design:

Approaching the Youngsters Visual Direction

After iterating on the wireframes, we proceeded to create the visual design. We established a new visual direction that is more colorful and clean, catering to the market's needs. The fresh and vibrant design aims to enhance user engagement and create a visually appealing interface.


With the introduction of numerous new elements, this is an opportunity for us to reintroduce the feature itself. The revamped design, along with the added enhancements, will serve as a perfect opportunity to reintroduce and highlight the improved functionalities to the users.

Other Changes We Made

Simplifying the Navigation

Increasing User Confidence

Easier Reward Access

The Result

We conduct usability test to 5 respondents to validate our solution

And we are pleased to see that this improvement is already positively impacting user satisfaction.

  • All participants expressed satisfaction with the overall design. Even two of them believe that the visual design has improved compared to the old design. Additionally, they all noted that the reward information is now much clearer, and the redeem process is significantly easier than before.

  • When it comes to tier naming, four out of five participants prefer the term 'Relationship Tier,' as they find it the most suitable for all user types. Two participants explicitly stated that it is the best option among the two provided names for all types of users.

Furthermore, we also conducted tracking on this feature and found that

There was a 43% increase in the overall claim of rewards

I always approach things seriously, and sometimes I delve too deeply into what I'm working on, which makes me eager for client satisfaction.

Rosyd Aqbar @ 2023

I always approach things seriously, and sometimes I delve too deeply into what I'm working on, which makes me eager for client satisfaction.

Rosyd Aqbar @ 2023

I always approach things seriously, and sometimes I delve too deeply into what I'm working on, which makes me eager for client satisfaction.

Rosyd Aqbar @ 2023